#include <MathTools.h>
Definition at line 12 of file MathTools.h. |
Definition at line 13 of file MathTools.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file MathTools.h. Referenced by SystemSolver::svDecompose(). |
Returns sqrt(x^2+y^2) without destructive underflow or overflow. After Numerical Recipes, p. 70 (Press et al.) Definition at line 40 of file MathTools.h. References sqr(). Referenced by VisualSensor::detectContacts(), and SystemSolver::svDecompose(). |
Returns a number having the absolute value of x and the sign sign. Definition at line 30 of file MathTools.h. Referenced by SystemSolver::svDecompose(). |
Definition at line 25 of file MathTools.h. |
Definition at line 21 of file MathTools.h. |
Defines the size of a degree in radians. Definition at line 6 of file MathTools.cpp. |
Defines pi (3.14...) in case that it is not defined by the C library used. Definition at line 4 of file MathTools.cpp. |
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